Jesus and Mary Catholic Mission
Welcome to Jesus and Mary Catholic Mission. We are a very small parish in West Tennessee. Our parish includes members from McKenzie, Henry, Paris, Gleason and Trezevant.
*** Eucharistic Adoration Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7, from 8:00 AM through 12:00 PM, followed by Holy Mass.
Traditional Calendar for February 2025
1 Saturday, Sabbatum, First Saturday, St Ignatius of Antioch
2 Sunday, Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
3 Monday, Feria
4 Tuesday, St Andrew Corsini
5 Wednesday, Dairy Fast, St Agatha
6 Thursday, St Titus bishop/confessor
7 Friday, Meat Fast, St Romuald abbot
8 Saturday, Sabbatum, St John of Matha confessor
9 Sunday, Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
10 Monday, St Scholastica virgin
11 Tuesday, Apparition of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes
12 Wednesday, Dairy Fast, Seven Founders of the Servite Order
13 Thursday, Feria
14 Friday, Meat Fast, Feria
15 Saturday, Sabbatum, Of the Blessed Virgin (Salve sancta parens)
16 Sunday, Septuagesima Sunday
17 Monday, Feria
18 Tuesday, Feria
19 Wednesday, Dairy Fast, Feria
20 Thursday, Feria
21 Friday, Meat Fast, Feria
22 Saturday, Sabbatum, Feria
23 Sunday, Sexagesima Sunday
24 Monday, St Matthias apostle
25 Tuesday, Feria
26 Wednesday, Dairy Fast, Feria
27 Thursday, St Gabriel of the Sorrowing Virgin
28 Friday, Meat Fast, Feria
Shrine of Our Lady of Galilee
Eucharistic Adoration is observed from 8:00 AM through 12:00 PM on First Fridays and Saturdays, followed by the Eucharist. Additionally, the Traditional Latin Mass is celebrated second Sundays of each month at 6:00 AM at various locations. Confession is available Saturdays and Sundays and for emergencies. We are currently looking for a permanent location. Location of Mass changes frequently due to weather and other circumstances. Contact Father for directions.
The Holy days of Obligation are: Christmas Day, the Epiphany, the Ascension, Corpus Christi, Sts Peter and Paul, the Assumption of our Lady, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and All Saints.
We are currently experiencing network issues with our service provider. Email is slow and sometimes can not be accessed. Please accept our apologies for this matter.
Rev. Fr. Matthew Katz frmatt@jesusandmary.org
Deacon Joseph Bekher djoseph@jesusandmary.org